One Minute Monologues For Women

16 mins read
One minute Monologues for women
young actress reading a one minute monologue

As more workshops/auditions ask for actors to perform monologues, the stress of performing well without a lot of time can be almost unbearable. We want to encourage actors and actresses not to avoid auditions that request a one minute monologue because they can be a blessing in disguise, as long as they choose the right one.

Picking the Perfect Female Monologue

One minute monologues for women are plentiful, but actresses must pick something that showcases their talent according to the audition genre they’re presenting. For example, if the audition is for a romantic comedy, we might want to leave out the tragic monologues, no matter how well it shows our range or ability to cry on demand. When it comes to auditions, we have to stay in the practice of giving ourselves plenty of time to prepare. Narrowing down monologues that pique our interest and fit the audition’s niche, rehearsing our favorites, and then choosing the one that makes us shine is a fantastic way.

Ten Fantastic One-Minute-Monologues for Women

For those that may have trouble selecting one minute monologues we have narrowed it down. We’ve put together a list of some of the best monologues for women. In the right context, they’ll display on-point emotion and capture the attention of those in the room.

Mean Girls: The Musical “I Died for 15 Seconds”

There is no better character to portray in comedy than Regina George. In this short monologue, she tries to apologize to Cady for being so mean, but it doesn’t go over as intended in true Regina form. This monologue for actors is perfect for those in their late teens to early twenties.

Monologue: I’m going to forgive you. Because I’m on a lot of pain medication right now. You know I died for fifteen seconds, right? Spoiler alert: heaven looks like a really nice hotel in Miami. When I woke up in the street, all I could see was my mom’s face and Gretchen’s big face looking down at me. And they looked so surprised. Not even sad, just like, surprised that I could be bleeding. Like they forgot I was a human person. I’ve actually been a human person this whole time. I know I was harsh. And people say I’m a b—. But you know what they would call me if I was a boy? “Reginald”. That’s what my mom was gonna name me if I was a boy, so honestly I’d rather be “b—”.


The Fault in Our Stars “Hazel’s Support Group”

This fantastic monologue has the potential to hit home in the drama genre, especially when executed correctly. It will work well for females in their late teens or twenties, depending on the audition role. ‘

Monologue: I just wanna say… there will come a time when, you know, all of us are dead. It might be tomorrow. Might be a million years from now but… it’s gonna happen. And when it does, enough generations will come and go, there’ll be no one left to remember Cleopatra. Or Mozart. Or Muhammad Ali, let alone any of us. Oblivion’s inevitable, dude. And if that scares you, well, I suggest you ignore it. God knows it’s what everyone else does.


Silver Linings Playbook “How Tommy Died”

Tiffany is a complex character, and this monologue from Silver Linings is an excellent testament to that and great for a dramatic audition. In this monologue, she tells Pat how her husband died. It’s emotional and exceptional when performed correctly.

Monologue: Yes. Do you feel that? That’s emotion. Has anybody ever told you how Tommy died? We were married for three years and five days, and I loved him. But for the last couple months, I just wasn’t into sex at all. It just felt like we were so different and I was depressed. Some of that is just me, some of it was he wanted me to have kids and I have a hard enough time taking care of myself. I don’t think that makes me a criminal. Anyway one night after dinner, he drove to Victoria’s Secret at King of Prussia Mall and got some lingerie to get something going. And on the way back, he stopped on 76 to help a guy with a flat tire and he got hit by a car and killed. And the Victoria’s Secret box was still in the front seat. (pause) That’s a feeling.


The Shape of Water “I Found a Turtle”

Zelda recounts finding a turtle in the road during her childhood in this thought-provoking monologue that questions how the actions of humans affect everything around us. This is a beautiful monologue for a female audition in the age range of the thirties, forties, and fifties.

Monologue: When I was a little girl- I found a turtle sitting out in the middle of the road. Crossing it slowly. Car could run it over any minute. So, I picked it up, took it to a pond way back behind my house… and I laid it down under a big camphor tree, and I thought… “Mmmh- It’s gonna be so happy here”. And I left it there. (beat) But that night I figured out I had no idea where it was going… Far as I know it was bringing food to its nest or- looking to procreate- or escaping an owl. And maybe the worst place to keep it- maybe the place it was running from was that pond under that camphor tree. (looks at the fish) I didn’t care. I just did what I wanted with it…


You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown “Peppermint Patty”

This monologue ranges in age from kid to twenties and is a perfect thought piece in which Peppermint Patty asks Charlie Brown to explain love. It’s heartfelt and honest.

Monologue: You know what I don’t understand, Chuck? I don’t understand love. Explain love to me Chuck. You can’t explain love, Chuck what do you mean “if you happen to see this cute little girl walk by”? Why does she have to be cute? Can’t someone fall in love with a girl who isn’t cute, and has freckles and a big nose? Explain that, Chuck. I didn’t say a great big nose. So, Chuck, do you think you’ll ever get married? Well, what kind of girl do you think you’ll marry? What do you mean she’d be the kind of girl who would call you, “Poor Sweet Baby?” You’re very strange.


Stranger Things “Max on the Bus”

In this scene from Stranger Things, Max explains a bit about her past to love-interest Lucas. This is her chance to open about herself a bit, and the first time the audience hears personal details about her life. This is a kid monologue through-and-through.

Monologue: It’s kind of awesome, the fog I mean, it looks like the ocean. The waves, California, I miss it but, no, that’s not it, my Dad’s still there. You see, there’s this legal term called divorce when two married people don’t love each other anymore, yeah. My mom and my stepdad, they wanted a fresh start away from him. As if, as if he was the problem, which is total bull, and things are just worse now. My stepbrother’s always been a jerk, but now he’s just, angry all the time and he can’t take it out on my mom so he takes it out on me. I don’t even know why I’m telling you this.


Easy A “Rosemary”

A funny and endearing monologue from Olive’s mother, Rosemary, on how much she loves her children no matter what and accepts them however they are. Perfect for parent auditions as well as comedy.

Monologue: That boy from the other night just dropped this off for you. He seems like a nice kid. He seemed a little… incredibly gay. I dated a homosexual in high school. I just wanted to tell you that if you want to date a gay boy, your father and I are totally supportive. We love you no matter what the sexual orientation of your opposite-sex sex partner. And don’t feel bad that you won’t make us grandparents. We still have Ginger, and from the signs I’m picking up, she’ll be preggo before the PSATs. Which is actually great ’cause then we can get another shot at raising kids. Really do it right this time.


Hairspray “Tracy Asks Why”

This monologue centers on Tracy, asking why she’s never good enough and does well in comedic and dramatic settings. It’s perfect for teens and those in their early twenties.

Monologue: Why do they have to be so mean? “You’re short, you’re stout, you’re not Council material.” I wear the latest fashions, I keep up with all the styles. I’m teasing my hair as high as I can! (She sprays her hair with hairspray) Will they give me a chance? Encouragement? Appreciation? No, all I ever hear is… Detention! Is there no pity for a teen just trying to fit in.


Stranger Things Joyce Monologue “Will’s Phone Call”

With her son missing, Joyce Byers is terrified of what may have happened to him. When she receives a phone call from him, it’s not what she expects. This monologue is both dramatic and super scary!

Joyce grabs up the phone. Her voice tense, strained. JOYCE Yes — hel-hello?

There is no answer. But she can HEAR the SOUND of LOW BREATHING on the other end.

Monologue: JOYCE (CONT’D) Lonnie…? Hopper…? Still no answer. JOYCE (CONT’D) Who is this?

The SOUND OF BREATHING grows louder. It sounds… like the breathing of a child. Joyce pales. Tears rush to her eyes.

JOYCE (CONT’D) Will?!! Will?!! Jonathan races over to his mom. JOYCE (CONT’D) Where are you, baby?! Talk to me! WILL?! WILL?!

But Will’s breathing is now gone. In its place… ANOTHER SOUND. GUTTURAL. INHUMAN. Shifting in pitch.



The Notebook “This Isn’t a Summer Thing”

Allie explains to Noah that he isn’t just a summer fling for her, and while this monologue starts of dramatic, Allie gets to show her funny side as well.

Monologue: (Allie puts two fingers together) We’re like this, remember? Right? This isn’t a summer thing. Not for me, anyway. Oh, hell. Why wait until summer ends? Why not do it right now? Go ahead. No, I’ll do it. It’s over between us. You hear me, Noah Calhoun? Over. Don’t touch me. I hate you, you know that? I hate you! Just leave. Get out. Go.

Noah walks away from the house, disappearing into the moonlight. Allie calls out after him.

Wait a minute, Noah. We’re not really breaking up forever, right? This is just a thing we’re having, a difference of opinion, and tomorrow it’ll be like it never happened, right? Because it still was kind of a special night for me…


Making the Right Choice

Choosing a one minute monologue can be rather detailed, but it doesn’t have to be. We should focus on what we most want to convey about our talents and select a monologue that best expresses them. Remember, you’ll always have competition, but there is only one you.

One Minute Monologues For Men

Monologue Database

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